Thursday, February 12, 2015

Nashville Homeowners Beware of Those Dangling Icicles

With the recent arctic blast sweeping the country, you may have noticed an increasing amount of ice icicles hanging from your roof tops this year. While they may look beautiful and even help to add the winter scenery, icicles are often a sign of a dangerous roofing problem.

Icicles are often one of the first indicators of ice dams on a roof. Ice dams (walls of ice) form at the edge of a roof, usually where there are gutters and or soffit. These structures often occur when there water or melting snow freezes and thaws as the result of fluctuating winter temperatures. Hidden behind these ice dams are pools of water that are just sitting on top of your roof.

Ice dams and the pools of water behind them can cause a great deal of roof damage in a relatively short amount of time. Not only can these hazards cause your roof’s structure to weaken, the water can start to leak into your home, creating problems with its insulation, leaking and overall structural integrity. Homeowners in Nashville can prevent ice dams from forming by keeping their gutters clean and free of debris.

Ice dams are not always preventable. Given certain weather conditions and other factors such as your attic’s temperature, ice dams can and will reform, putting your home’s roof at greater risk for future repairs and quite possibly premature replacement.

Contact your local Nashville roofing company to remove any snow and ice dams from your roof as soon as possible. It is highly advisable for you to avoid removing any ice dams yourself due to the unsafe and slippery conditions of your roof. A roofing contractor can also ensure that your roof is remains safe and structurally sound throughout during the current and future winter seasons so that you and your family are able to enjoy a safe and comfortable home year round.

Contact Bluebird Construction today at (615) 758-9101 so we can handle any of your roofing concerns.

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