Friday, April 24, 2015

Nashville Home Repair Season Is Here

Warmer temperatures and sunny and longer days all mean one thing for homeowners, it’s home repair season. While home repairs may not seem like the most exciting thing to do, they are necessary to keep your home in tip-top condition.

It is not always easy to see the amount of damage that the winter and cold season has done to your home. And even if you feel that it is in good condition, you should still make an effort to schedule a home repair inspection to know for sure. In an effort to increase awareness about Nashville home repair season, here is a list of common home repair issues to look for.

Roof deficiencies

There are many ways your roof could be in trouble and you may not be aware of them. Holes, cracks, leaks and other deficiencies can severely affect the safety and comfort of your home. They can also increase your utility costs, making it harder for you to enjoy your home the way you should be able to.


The siding on your home is more than mere decoration; it exists to help keep intruders and unwelcome weather elements outside. Cracked, peeling, damaged and deteriorating siding are not very attractive and can diminish your home’s appeal, value and comfort.

Foundation Issues

The snow and rain can really do a number on your home’s foundation, leading to shifts and crumbling in your home’s support, and cracks and holes in your home’s basement increasing the risk of flooding.


The gutters on your home help to keep rainwater from pooling on your roof and around your home’s foundation. When your gutters are in poor condition, your home’s overall structure and appearance can really suffer. Poor gutters can also cause premature deterioration in the concrete and landscape that surrounds your property.

Sidewalks and Driveways

Your sidewalks and driveways help to improve your home’s curb appeal and value. Although you use these surfaces to walk and drive on when they start to fall apart, they increase your risk for accidental injury and liability.
Click Here for Home Repair Discounts
Contact Bluebird Construction today at (615) 758-9101 to schedule a home repair inspection or to learn more about our repair services.

Friday, April 10, 2015

A Few Home Repair Tips You Can Use

As a homeowner, there will be times where you’d rather handle your minor home repair issues yourself. While there is nothing wrong with taking the DIY approach, you should never attempt to fix anything on your own without doing some research first. Here are some home repair tips that the professionals at Bluebird Construction would like for you to know.

Planning and Preparation

No matter how easy a particular DIY project looks, make sure your skills are up to par before tackling it. All too often, homeowners start projects with the intention of doing everything themselves. But when the project becomes complicated, or they find that their repair skills are lacking, what was easily a two day project can take forever to complete. To keep yourself from becoming frustrated and to ensure that the work gets completed, take some time to adequately prepare and plan for the project first.


Invest in the right tools, regardless of the type of project you plan to take on. Using cheap or poor quality tools is a surefire way of asking for disaster. Whether your home repairs are handled by you or a professional contractor in Nashville, using the proper tools increases safety and can prevent you from having to hire a professional at a later date.

Invest in Quality

Although you are concerned about saving money, know when to hire a professional home improvement company for your repairs. Even if you have every intention of doing things yourself, know your limitations and always consider how the project would be handled if a professional construction company were to perform the work. Remember, professional home improvement companies can complete your home repairs faster, more efficiently and with better workmanship.

For more home improvement advice or to learn more about our construction and repair services, give Bluebird Construction a call at (615) 758-9101 today.